Saturday, May 15, 2010

Financial Management

Accounting for Deception

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Management Quotes

Quote Author: Roger von Oech
Subject: Innovation, Creativity
Author: Guy Kawasaki, Roger Von Oech
Source: Sun Microsystems

Quote: My mantra is "Look for the Second Right Answer." This has been my guiding principle for over thirty years. Much of our educational system tries to teach us to look for the "one right answer."

I find that looking for the second right answer is an incredibly easy way to open my mind. For example, when I'm looking for information, this mantra tells me to go beyond the right answers that have worked in the past and look for others. When I'm trying to be creative, it playfully advises me to put my ideas in unusual contexts to give them new meanings.

When I'm evaluating concepts, it implores me not to get stuck in the negative, and not to fall in love with one particular approach. And, when I'm implementing ideas, it reminds me that if one idea doesn't work, a different one just might, and to act accordingly.

Quote Author: Roger von Oech
Subject: Innovation, Thought, Creativity
Author: Guy Kawasaki, Roger Von Oech
Source: Sun Microsystems

Quote: Don't fall in love with ideas. By ideas I mean: systems, marketing approaches, technologies, partnerships, whatever. Because as soon as you as you fall in love with one approach, you lose sight of other possibilities. ...Every right idea eventually becomes the wrong idea.

Quote Author: David McCullough
Subject: Leadership, History
Source: Harvard Business Review

Quote: ...a sense of history is essential to anyone who wants to be a leader, because history is both about people and about cause and effect. The American historian Samuel Eliot Morison liked to say that history teaches us how to behave—that is, what to do and what not to do in a variety of situations. History is the human story.

History also shows how the demands of leadership change from one era to another, from one culture to another.

Quote Author: David McCullough
Subject: Leadership
Author: David McCullough
Source: Harvard Business Review

Quote: Good leaders judge people by how they handle failure. ...Good leaders don't tolerate self-pity in themselves or others. The star performer who has ne ver failed, ne ver fallen flat on his face or been humiliated publicly, may not have what it takes when the going gets rough.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Management Quotes

Quote: Very few of us, myself included, know the customer. One reason is that all of us believe, and must believe, that the product and the service we produce is important. But 99.9% of your customers couldn't care less about your product or service. You are not that important in their universe. And that's almost impossible to accept.

The second reason is that you amass an enormous amount of information about the people who buy from you. Yet, for almost all companies, at least 70% of the people or organizations that should be your customers are not. So, if you want to understand the customer, those people who
aren't your customers are the key.
Author: Peter Drucker

Quote: If you were to ask what the two main challenges are that we face, technology is not going to help you with either. One is to increase the dismal productivity of the new labor force—knowledge workers and service workers. In blue-collar work, the question is how the job is done. But in knowledge work, the question is what should be done. Managements haven't asked that question yet. For this challenge, technology isn't helping very much.

The other challenge is to figure out what's going on outside the company. Inside the company, there are only costs…But we know nothing about the outside. The biggest change that technology could bring would not be a faster computer. It would be concepts for getting information about the outside. These concepts are very, very slow in coming.
The greatest mistake I made in a long life, and I made lots of them, was to invent the phrase "profit center." There ain't no profit centers inside a business; there are only cost centers. The only profit center is a customer whose check hasn't bounced.
Author: Peter Drucker

Quote: The absence of a vision will doom any strategy -- especially a strategy for change. A true vision shapes your hiring, assessment, and promotion of employees, and your behavior toward customers, partners, and investors. It is a more powerful tool for leading an organization than any market analysis or spreadsheet…I invest our resources in vision and values because company culture is inseparable from strategy -- and Because I don't want to wake up one day and have a profitable Organization that does not have a soul.
Author: Robert Knowling